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About the artist

Since a young age I have found great happiness in looking at images and taking photographs.   I remember looking forward to the opportunity to go through a photo album and hear the stories associated with each photograph.  Each one had a memory attached to it.  That's the magic of photography.  Photographs become memories we can hold!  Each one represents a moment in time, a time in one's life, or an emotion,  and as we grow older, they become more priceless.

I've been taking pictures for friends and family for years, and with all four of my children now in school, it's finally time to pursue this lifetime dream of photography.  It's a true pleasure to be able to capture a moment in time that can be cherished for years to come and I look forward to having the opportunity to capture some memories for you!

Located in Northeastern Tennessee

serving Johnson City, Jonesborough, Elizabethton, and surrounding areas


I am also available for sessions in Graham, Jackson, Person, Granville, Durham, Orange, and Alamance Counties in North Carolina, and Highland, Adams, and Brown Counties in Ohio at certain times throughout the year. If you live in these areas and are interested in booking a session, please contact me for possible dates.

Find me on Facebook at Jill Lakey Photography




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